Film ©Nick Fallowfield-Cooper
“SAY YES Absolute Power Spray” Art Installation at Christie’s Lates London | February 11th, 2019.
To trick our senses the walls had been covered with elaborate computer-generated imagery. It was a perfect setting to introduce SAY YES Absolute Power Spray. If simply spraying the person in front of you with this weapon we know we will get an unconditional YES to any proposition asked, then there would be no more conflicts of any kind on Earth?
It was also a powerful statement on the global landscape of contemporary politics dominated by ´Fake News’, and the way we’re losing little by little our ability to decide. We’re getting invasively controlled to the extreme.
“Trompe l’oeil und Taxis” wallpaper ©Diego Fortunato
Say Yes Absolute Power Spray ©Diego Fortunato
Photography ©Christie’s
Film ©Nick Fallowfield-Cooper